Tracy Norton's Challenge

Could you live on £1 a day? – January 2018

Sponsor Tracy Norton has raised over £1,100 for Destiny Garden School by living on £1 a day for 28 days.

In 2016, she raised over £2,000 for DGS by living on £1 a day for 21 days and this time, she raised the stakes by extending the challenge to a gruelling 28 days.

In her first challenge, Tracy used herbs, spices and oil from her own store cupboards to liven up the food, but this time, she lived strictly only on what money could buy within her £28 budget. She said “my budget was extremely tight and it did make it more difficult having to include cooking oil, herbs and spices within that budget”.

Tracy said her friends, family and work colleagues all thought she was bonkers (and after running out of coffee towards the end of the challenge, she started to think they were right!). “It had its ups and downs and I really missed my fresh fruit and veg” said Tracy “but it has all been worth it to see the funds that everyone has so generously donated and to know that 100% of this will go directly to the school for the benefit of the children”.

Tracy told Destiny Children Charity that she hopes to have raised awareness of the school and the work carried out by them via the updates she posted on Social Media throughout the 28 day challenge.

DCC do such a great job and they are supported by committed and passionate trustees and committee members who are dedicated to improving the lives of the children at Destiny Garden School. I am very humbled by the work you all do and it’s a real honour to contribute where I can. I hope to have raised awareness of the charity and the school at the same time as raising the extra funds”.

Tracy has been a keen supporter and sponsor of Destiny Garden School for a number of years.