News 2018

DCC Dinner Dance

Dinner Dance – December 2018

A very successful event organised by keen supporter, Elizabeth…
December 8, 2018/by Judy Roper
Gawsworth Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning Raises Funds for DGS – 25 October 2018

A very successful and enjoyable coffee morning was held at Gawsworth…
October 25, 2018/by Judy Roper
Letters from Sponsors

Letters to Destiny Garden School

A few of our sponsors, or their children, write to their sponsored…
September 10, 2018/by Judy Roper
Day Care Class Photo

Class Photos

Boaz, the DGS Sponsorship Manager, has taken class photos - from…
August 30, 2018/by Judy Roper
Nick, Helen, Polly and Maddy meet the Children in Day Care

Trustee Nick’s Visit to DGS – July/August 2018 

Trustee, Nick Burton, visited Destiny Garden School with his…
August 17, 2018/by Judy Roper
Chick Flicks at Park Tavern

Chick Flick Night – 22 May 2018

Those who kindly supported the Destiny Children chick flick certainly…
May 22, 2018/by Judy Roper
Guillermo and Marta with Jacob and DGS Staff

Guillermo and Marta visit DGS – 7 May 2018 

Architect Guillermo, who helped design the new Dining Shelter…
May 7, 2018/by Judy Roper
The new Dining Shelter

A new Dining Shelter and Office/Library – April 2018

The new Dining Shelter and Office/Library is now completed…
April 3, 2018/by Judy Roper
Tracy Norton's Challenge

Could you live on £1 a day? – January 2018

Sponsor Tracy Norton has raised over £1,100 for Destiny Garden…
January 31, 2018/by Judy Roper

Snowflakes raise funds for DGS – January 2018

The staff at Allies and Morrison Architects raised over £560…
January 8, 2018/by Judy Roper
Class Before and After

Classroom Refurbished During the December 2017 Holiday

During the recent school holidays all classrooms were refurbished…
January 1, 2018/by Judy Roper