News 2023

Additional Food Parcels given to DGS Families
On 20th December, Destiny Children sent a second amount of money…
December 22, 2023/by kathyjames
More Than 300 Families Recieve Food Parcels
More than 300 families living around Destiny Garden School have…
December 7, 2023/by kathyjames
Urgent Appeal for Help Following Floods
The recent El Nino rains in Mombasa have left families of Destiny…
November 25, 2023/by kathyjames
Devatating floods hits Mombasa
The rainy season has begun in Kenya and Mombasa is currently…
November 20, 2023/by kathyjames
End of Term 3 Events
With term 3 coming to an end, there have been a few nice events…
November 18, 2023/by kathyjames
Charity Dinner Dance – 11th November 2023
A very successful event organised by keen supporter, Elizabeth…
November 15, 2023/by kathyjames
Queensgate Bake Sale
Queensgate Primary School in Bramhall, Cheshire have become a…
November 14, 2023/by kathyjames
End Year Examinations 2023
On 16th October grades 1,2,3,4 and 5 started their end year …
October 16, 2023/by kathyjames
Destiny Garden School on Holiday – 11th August 2023
Destiny Garden School broke up on 11th August for their holidays…
August 11, 2023/by Judy Roper
Computers for Destiny Garden School – July 2023
Thanks to very generous donations DGS have been able to purchase…
July 28, 2023/by Judy Roper
Disabled Children to Join DGS – July 2023
Destiny Garden School has started a project to make the school…
July 18, 2023/by Judy Roper
Prof. Ramona Thomas Visits DGS – 26th June 2023
Destiny Garden School had the incredible honour of hosting…
June 26, 2023/by Judy Roper
Please see this link for the presentation for the Annual General…
June 7, 2023/by Judy Roper
DGS Staff Receive a Bonus – 30th April 2023
A very generous donation from one of our sponsors who raised…
April 30, 2023/by Judy Roper
Destiny Garden School on Holiday – 21st April 2023
Destiny Garden School broke up on 21st April for their…
April 21, 2023/by Judy Roper
Sponsoring a Class
Could you and your work/club/organisation/other group consider…
March 18, 2023/by Judy Roper
Textbooks needed for Destiny Garden School
Funds for additional textbooks needed for Destiny Garden School. …
March 4, 2023/by Judy Roper
Africa Watoto Contributes to DGS’s Feeding Programme
Africa Watoto (watoto in Swahili language means children),…
February 26, 2023/by Judy Roper
Painting the Pre-Primary classes
A generous donation from Rotary has enabled Destiny Garden School…
February 3, 2023/by Judy Roper
A new education system in Kenya
January 2023 saw the implementation of the new system of education…
January 30, 2023/by Judy Roper